Got a secret you want to share about sex, kink, gender, sexuality, or your relationships?
Since 2015, Smut Slam hosts worldwide have been rattling the Fuckbucket for our audience members’ anonymous questions and confessions. We’ve even made art about some of them and put it in a print anthology titled Anonymous Sex. (Due out November 13th on Amazon)
Now we’re opening up the fuckbucket ONLINE so folks around the world can share their shit, and read other people’s offerings too!
There are 2 ways to get your anonymous question or confession to us:
1) Send us a text-only version typed into our Fuckbucket form, OR
2) if you want us to see and use your beautiful handwriting or pictures, write it on a blank piece of paper (portrait orientation, half a letter sheet) OR make some postcard art for us about it! Print large and clearly– if we can’t read it, we probably won’t post it. Take a photo and send us the file in the second part of the Fuckbucket form.
If you want your Fuckbucket to be online, it’s gotta follow the Smut Slam Code of Conduct. Look there, write it down, and send it in!
We’ll post new Fuckbuckets about once a week. Keep reading to peek at what others have written, or to see if we’ve posted yours!
The Fuckbucket Files
a real homecoming
… and I knew I had 2 solid hours before anyone would be there. As I’m going down on my girlfriend and she is about to cum, my mother walks through the door, my girlfriend cums, my life flashes before me because I know minutes are limited. About 5 min later my mom texts, “I went to walk the dog, spray some Febreeze before your dad gets home.” #GuiltyAndSmellingLikeFreshLinens.
(Editor’s note: it is not clear whether this randy duo is doing it in the living room and the mom sees, or up in the writer’s old bedroom and the mom just hears the girlfriend coming. I mean, awkward either way, right?)
ADVICE: grab a coffee and get out the clipboards

Starting a conversation from scratch, with someone new especially, can feel really daunting if you’re not used to talking about the things you like. Fortunately, there are plenty of questionnaires online that you can print out and fill in together (google things like “kink inventory” or “sex questionnaire”). I believe there are even apps for that, where you and your partner can sign in, answer your questions separately, and then it comes back with information about how your play time preferences and curiosities might match up. (Someone help me though, I can’t remember the app name!)
Generally I’d say have those conversations outside of the play, so that you still “have your words.” However, if you trust someone enough to be nerdy (borderline clinical) with them, you can also just play a game of testing sensations and movements out on each other and giving feedback from a set of possible responses e.g. on a scale of 1 to 10, or red-yellow-green light, or “warmer! … okay, too warm.” Gamify things and step into the awkward !
First stab at advice-y stuff in the Fuckbucket files, we’ll be doing it from time to time now, so keep sending in your anonymous questions for us to try to help. Happy Friday, you fuckos!
a little less conversation

everybody does it

none for you, ha ha ha

the case for butt sex, #426

a sweet sign of love

splish splash

double ew

half as fizzy