Welcome to Smut Slam International!
Smut Slam is an international network of dirty storytelling open mics dedicated to real-life, first-person sex stories, created by the award-winning playwright/performer Cameryn Moore. The first Smut Slam took place in Boston in February 2011. Since then, this exciting, engaging, and occasionally awkward storytelling experience has spread all over North America, the UK, continental Europe, and even Iceland and Australasia.
What Is Smut Slam?
At Smut Slam, audience members sign up to tell 5-minute, real-life, first-person sex stories. A panel of local celebrity judges awards sexy prizes to the top 3 tellers at the end of the night. In between stories, the host(s) read anonymous questions and confessions submitted by the audience to the Fuckbucket. Smut Slam is queer-friendly, kink-friendly, fat-friendly, poly-friendly, and really just friendly!

Smut Around the World
Currently, Cameryn hosts all UK and European slams, while Smut Slams in North America and elsewhere are produced and hosted by exceptionally talented and sex-positive emcees. Under Cameryn’s mentoring, these hosts all work toward the same Smut Slam goal: to facilitate an encouraging, fun, open space where audiences of all types and amounts of sexual experience can share their own stories.
Smut Slam is a place where people can be shameless, in the most positive, radical self-acceptance sense of the word. I can’t tell you how many first-time Smut Slam attendees I’ve seen come in shy, bashful, and all “Oh, I don’t have any stories”– only to go up on stage by the end of the night.
I get a bit uncomfortable in public situations involving strangers discussing their sexual experiences, yet I’ve seen Smut Slam in NYC and Edinburgh on several occasions. Why? Because it’s a safe space for both performers and audience members. Because it’s sexy and funny. Because the hosts are a pure joy. I’ve been entertained, intrigued, and mostly enlightened at this show every time. The various stories I’ve experienced at Smut Slam are deep down just stories about the human condition. This show brings humans together in a way that many storytelling shows don’t even come close to. I will be going again. Or is it “coming again”?